sift scienceの例文


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  1. These companies include Feedzai, Forter, Sift Science, Signifyd and Riskified, Experian.
  2. Customers customize their Sift Science machine learning models based by adding custom data fields and events.
  3. "' Sift Science "'is a fraud detection solution for websites and mobile applications.
  4. Listia uses a third party Sift Science which uses large-scale machine learning to automatically discover new fraud patterns.
  5. In the summer of 2014, Sift Science gained greater attention in the web developer community with the publication of a blog post highlighting Seven Habits of Highly Fraudulent Users.


  1. "sift down"の例文
  2. "sift flour"の例文
  3. "sift from"の例文
  4. "sift out"の例文
  5. "sift out the wheat from the chaff"の例文
  6. "sift text"の例文
  7. "sift the data"の例文
  8. "sift the noise"の例文
  9. "sift through"の例文
  10. "sift up"の例文
  11. "sift out"の例文
  12. "sift out the wheat from the chaff"の例文
  13. "sift text"の例文
  14. "sift the data"の例文

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